Bear writer windows
Bear writer windows

Lock Bear - Require Face/Touch ID to access Bear.Encrypt individual notes - Set a password to protect a sensitive note, and use Face/Touch ID to unlock it.

bear writer windows

Swing through that one building where you lose mobile phone signal and see what happens. Please report bugs and feedback to is a list of new features and we need your help to test them! Please play with features that interest you, and maybe even some that don’t.

  • Submit bug reports and feedback to New features and what to test.
  • Please hold off reviews until we ship Bear 1.7 for everyone (we’ll let you know ahead of time!) Bear 1.7 isn’t finished, and some features might change or get pulled.
  • Feel free to talk about Bear 1.7, but please don’t review it.
  • Please take proper password precautions (scroll down to Section 3 for some ideas on this) But know that, if you forget the password and disable Touch ID / Face ID, we cannot recover or reset it-the note is locked forever.
  • ⚠️ We cannot recover encrypted notes or passwords ⚠️- Please try the new note encryption feature in Bear 1.7.
  • Once Apple gets closer to shipping those, we’ll optimize Bear for them
  • Do not test on iOS 13 beta or macOS 10.15 beta - One layer of beta is enough for now.
  • Here are simple backup instructions and some other options
  • Please backup your notes! - “Beta” means there are probably bugs, rough edges, and not-quite-finished features.
  • But before you venture into beta territory, we need to cover some important details.

    bear writer windows


    We packed a bunch of great stuff into this update and we’re excited to hear what you think. Thank you so much for volunteering to help us test the latest version of Bear!

    Bear writer windows